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Sanae Yamada - Flowering Tree (Longform Editions)

The Slow Music Movement

Sanae Yamada - Flowering Tree cover art

Sanae Yamada is better known for her work in Moon Duo, who I recommend checking out if psychedelic pop rock is your thing. I also just found out that she masquerades as Vive la Void a meandering krautrock project which also sounds great, and if that wasn’t enough she’s now gone all ambient.

Sanae Yamada press shot

She’s not messing about either, making her horizontal debut on the well respected Longform Editions, which as you’d expect is a label that encourages artists to stretch out over one 20- 60 minute long track and give it their best horizontal shot.

Taking her apple tree blessed studio view as inspiration, she took a moment to consider life’s oft-ignored soundtrack - electrical hums, distant traffic, neighbourly pets, weather, that sort of thing; internalised them and then in a fit of impressive ambient glassblowing exhaled her new found inspirations into a drifting, deeply calming, subtly repetitive and hence hypnotic, hour long electroacoustic work that might just become your new meditation soundtrack.


Playlist Companion:

If an hour long sound bath wasn't enough and you need more time then head over to the Slow Ambient Playlist:


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