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Message - Showcase II (A-Lone)

The Slow Music Movement

I stumbled Across A-Lone Records last year and if you like the classic reggae sounds of 1970s Jamaica then you should give their Bandcamp page a follow or speak nicely to your nearest record shop, you won’t find many of the releases on your streaming service. This Spanish crew from Santander, a small city in the somewhat forgotten, but oh so beautiful Cantabria region in northern Spain, are keeping things unfailingly deep and real deal

Live drums, bass, percussion, melodica, organ - tick. The northern Spanish musicians knowing their JA history and having the chops to recreate it - tick. Killer roots reggae - double tick. If that wasn't enough in the second half of the album all the originals get the dub treatment. The progressives can turn away now, personally I’m going to turn it up.


Playlist Companion.

For a further look at the reggae continuum check out the Slow Dub Playlist:


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